Metabolism of the Techno-Financial Worlding

Video-Essay, 2024 

Sporae Vita

Installation, 2020 Commissioned by Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona for the exhibition Mars. The Red Mirror”

Flows of technopolitical realisation.
Portals, Venture Capitals and Economy-Fiction

Workshop, 2020
Commissioned by Hangar, Barcelona


                            «Metabolism of Techno-Financial Worlding» is a speculative video-essay that explores the process of financialization through the relationship between financial industry, imagination, belief and the computational production of uncertainty and futures. It focuses on how Venture Capital exploits the mythological aura of technology to advance with its libertarian and technocratic agency.

This video essay, still under production, tells the story of the Venture Capital Capacitor, a device that exploits the energy of an invisible territory called Reality³ to summon techno-financial entities from the imaginary realm to the material reality.

Duration of the complete video essay: 25 minutes (approx.)

Written and Directed: Andreu Belsunces Gonçalves
Art Direction / 3D Modeling & Animation: @alexwifi
Sound Design: Lila Tirando a Violeta & Sin Maldita

Graphic Design: Carla de la Torre

Funded by: Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultural de la Generalitat de Catalunya